These days the train ride over the bridge is so unbelievably that slow that I have found I can actually write an entire blog post while going from Philly to Jersey on the way home from work. (I often schedule our Facebook posts on my way in as well.) Today is particularly packed with all seats filled and standing room filled as well. Of course of all places I sit next to the lady who sneezes and then continues to flip the pages in her book without using hand sanitizer. It isn't until she sneezes a second time that she then takes the tissue out of her pocket to wipe away the grossness. However, where was the tissue when she sneezed? No consideration for those around her. Back in the day I would have just thought this was gross and shrugged it off. But for the fact that I have to think about every possible germ I being home being the next one that could trigger either of Eric's diseases, it boils my blood. Eric may appear to be 'healthy' or 'look good', but a deep reality for us is how weak and vulnerable his immune system is. Eric takes 3 drugs (Humira, Medrol[steroid] and Methotrexate[mild chemo injection] regularly that inhibit his immune system from overreacting and this preventing them from properly getting rid of any harmful germs that enter his body. There are too many people in the train so I will have to stay here. So to begin my evening I will have to throw everything including my jacket into the wash when I get home and Lysol my Bean boots .... It's the least I can do to try and not get Eric sick. So I ask you all to please be more conscious of your actions when sick in public. I can deal with the grossness, but it's really selfish to not try to contain yourself and reduce the risk of spreading whatever bacteria or virus you may be carrying to anyone, let alone all the young, elderly, and suppressed immune system patients. 1 day of going to work sick can cause someone like Eric to be sick for a week or worse, death. Helpful ways to prevent germs: • WASH Your HANDS • Use hand sanitizer with 60%+ alcohol content. • Cover your coughs and sneezes at all expenses. Wear a mask. • Stay home if you have a fever or cough. • Spray your handbags, backpacks, shoes and car mats with Lysol to prevent bringing germs into your house. Taking your shoes off at the door also reduces your risk. • Wash your jackets frequently.
AuthorAmanda Majusiak is a GIS Professional who focuses on web design, graphic design, photography and social media outreach. Connect with amandaArchives
November 2013
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